Interview on The Art of Being a Mum

I was interviewed on The Art of Being a Mum podcast about, well, just that - and more specifically, how I’ve balanced being a mum with making art.

I have always shied away from being known as a "Mum Artist"- I just want to be an ARTIST..... but the reality is, having my first bubba way back when I was 21 has meant that I have literally been raising kids the entire time I have also been trying to make music and establish my career. So I guess I'm a #motherartist whether I like it or not- And I'm not gonna lie - sometimes it was lonely!

It's nice to now be in a position where I have a bit more time and space to create, and I might actually have some thoughts and advice (!?) for other parent/artists out there trying to make it all work. Lots of love to you all- YOU'RE DOING GREAT! 😍


Current thoughts…