Current thoughts…

Over the past few months, I have been doing a bit of a re-think about how I use social media- I know I will always use it from time to time - but I'm becoming more and more unwilling to spend the hours on my phone that I used to. It's unhealthy, and it gets me down.

Just in the last few weeks of actively avoiding it, I have written more songs, read more books and felt myself relax in a way I haven't for a long time!

With all of this in mind, I have been thinking about other ways to connect with you all- and one way is to use my newsletters as a much more gentle and organic way to connect with those of you who are really interested in my music- to share less frequently, but perhaps more fully, the ins and outs of my creative adventures!

My next newsletter will be sent out soon, and in it will include a call out for some of you to be involved in a small project before I start releasing my new music into the world. If that sounds fun, then please sign up!

Ok, signing off again for now. Maybe I'll be back soon, maybe I'll spend a bit more time away! Here is a photo my daughter took of me the other night when we were out for dinner- it's always so interesting to me to see how my children perceive me!

All my love
Mezz xx


Lights, camera, action


Interview on The Art of Being a Mum